Shikarpur Sessions court came into being on 1st December 1978. It was curved out of Judicial District Sukkur.It consists upon four Talukas viz. Shikarpur,Garhi Yasin, Khanpur and Lakhi Ghulam Shah. There are one court of District and Sessions Judge, five Courts of Additional District & Sessions Judges, Two Courts of Sr. Civil Judges/Assistant Sessions Judges, 07 Courts of Civil Judges, Judicial Magistrates and One Family court at Shikarpur, Two courts of CJ & JMs at Garhi Yasin, and one Court of CJ & JM at Khanpur and Lakhi.
The Sessions Court Shikarpur was established in 1978, at its old building which is situated at starte of the court area. At the beginning, there was only one District & Sessions Judge who resided the court but with the passage of time, as the work-load increased, 05 Additional District & Sessions Judges were also deputed for the purpose. An Additional District & Sessions Judge has same judicial powers as full District & sessions Judge excepts the Administration Powers which are only exercised by the District & Sessions Judge.
Mr.Abdul Jabbar Bachani was the first District & Sessions Judge at Shikarpur, who remained at the said post w.e.f 1st December, 1978 to 09th June, 1979. Mr. Ahmed Yar Khan was the second District & Sessions Judge of district Shikarpur from 10th June 1979 to 02nd June, 1980 and so on... Learned Mr. Suhail Muhammad Laghari is the present District & Sessions Judge who took charge of his post on 11th April, 2017. A complete list of former Sessions Judges of the district Shikarpur can be Viewed/downloaded here
Every organization needs to have a strong administration system to carry out its daily business; and Sessions Court, Shikarpur is no exception. We have a very well defined administration setup, divided into several parts (offices) which perform their assigned duties in accordance with law. A brief introduction of these offices are... read more
For the administration of justice, 16 Courts of Law are establised in District Head Quarter in Shikarpur and 04 Courts of law are established in the 03 Talukas of District. Every court has its own jurisdiction which exercises its powers, laid down by the law, for provision of justice to the litigants. Some details of these courts... read more
Section 4 of the West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 provides that the family Courts established under Section 3 shall have exclusive jurisdiction to entertains... read more
Newly Established Consumer Court establshed since 12th January 2019.
Shikarpur Sessions court came into being on 1st December 1978. It was curved out of Judicial District Sukkur.It consists upon four Talukas viz. Shikarpur,Garhi Yasin, Khanpur and Lakhi Ghulam Shah. There are One court of District and Sessions Judge... read more
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